Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

> Ricardo Cassin

There is no person all over the world fond of alpinism that does not know the great man like Riccardo Cassin.
With his name are associated enterprises and memories that put him rightly among the narrow circle of those who wrote the history of this fascinating sport. Now a days after some years and even if present materials allow quick and safe climbing, many routes traced by him during the thirties are still test bench for those who practice this discipline.

The alpinist Riccardo Cassin is indissolubly linked to the figure of the man Riccardo Cassin. The great determination, the spirit of sacrifice, the strength and the courage of the man who goes to the mountain is the same that follows him in his daily life.
Native of Friuli (he was born in S. Vito al Tagliamento on 02.01.1909), he was a young boy when he moved to Lecco looking for a job, after his father's death.
The economical and political situation of that moment were not so optimistic but it is in such occasions that comes out the strong will to reach his own aims: he worked twelve hours a day, attended the evening school and in few time he became workshop foreman and director of a company of electrical system.
But the love for the mountain had already bloomed and with he started with his friends the first excursions on the Resegone, the mountain that crowns the city of Lecco.

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